Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Niki Chronicles: The Path of a Young Performance Horse

I have decided to write, photograph and video the process of starting the newest  arrival to Sakura Hill Farm--- Ultra-niki m2s Z (Ulysses m2s x Calvados x Joost), a 2007 imported Zangersheide mare and half paternal sister to Ahsianita (Ulysses m2s x Olympic Ahorn x Erdball xx). Niki is the first mare bred by my mother and was specifically bred to join our mareband with her linebreeding on the Dutch -niki mareline. She arrived in the States as a four year old, unstarted and in foal to VDL Chello III in the early spring of 2011.

In these posts I will keep things casual and by no means is this a "how to start your youngster" guide, merely a journal of my experience and thoughts.

Let's start with a bit of background:

Ultra-niki ("Niki") was imported from Europe in foal (with  Grenache S by Chello III VDL) in March 2011, having lived in a field for the majority of her life until then. Upon arrival, she was sent to our foaling  farm where she has spent the last 8 months. In September she  and her foal attended the KWPN-NA inspection (where Grenache S received a First Premium :-)). Her trip to the inspection and overnight stay proved uneventful and she and Grenache proved easy to handle. After weaning Grenache, she then went to Sakura Hill Farm for a month to regain her figure and arrived at Lake Ridge Farm (home of the Sakura Hill performance horses) on November 3rd, 2011 to begin her education as a riding horse.

As a weanling in 2007 in Europe

Her education thus far has been:
Ultra-niki October 2011 at Sakura Hill Farm
  • Leading
  • Loading/riding in a trailer
  • Wearing a bridle (which she had to wear for the KWPN inspection)
  •  She has been braided once and stood well although she was a bit wiggly.
Thus far, Ultra-niki has lived in Europe (birth-March 2011), the quarantine farm (2-3 weeks), the foaling farm (April 2011-October 2011), Sakura Hill Farm (October 2011-November 2011)--->Lake Ridge Farm (November 2011---onward).

A few assumptions before we begin, (although one really should never make assumptions about youngsters):
  • The Ulysses blood has proven itself to be friendly, rideable, very sensible and easy to work with.  Let's see if this holds true with Niki
  • Niki has quite a low percentage of blood due to her dam Ushiniki (Calvados x Joost)---44.22% blood compared to her half sister's 48.45% blood (Ahsianita) who is very quick off the ground and has  excellent technique over fences. Her sister is quite laid back and quiet even with the 48.42% blood-- perhaps Ultra-niki will lack a bit of oomph under saddle.
  • Niki is much more substantial and broader built than Ahisanita. Her movement is very powerful with a lot of suspension and reach. She will be very powerful, but perhaps not be as sharp and  cat-like as her sister  over fences. This was what we saw when she was free jumped casually as a yearling in Europe--- much power with a great hind end, but perhaps a bit slow off the ground.... we'll see what she shows us when we tackle free jumping later on.
The following posts will be a day- by- day (as long as I can keep up with them) report of what I call "The Niki Chronicles", my experience, photos and videos of the starting process of Ultra-niki (the greats, the goods, the ups, the downs).

I hope you enjoy the narration and wish me luck!

As a 2-year old in Europe 2009

As a 2-year old in Europe 2009
Michele meets Niki as a 4-year old at the Quarantine Farm in Ocala, FL 2011
Michele meets Niki as a 4-year old at the Quarantine Farm in Ocala, FL March 2011
Niki showing off her trot at the foaling farm in April 2011
Niki stretching her legs at the foaling farm in April 2011
Niki and her pasture mate Czola awaiting their foals at the foaling farm in April 2011
Niki showing off her trot at the foaling farm in April 2011
Niki looking ready to foal at the foaling farm in May 2011

Niki and Grenache S (3 days of age) born May 22nd, 2011
Niki and Grenache S (3 days of age) born May 22nd, 2011

Niki and Grenache S (3 days of age) born May 22nd, 2011

Niki at the KWPN-NA Inspection September 2011
Niki and Grenaache at the KWPN-NA Inspection September 2011 (First Premium)